Airbnb sắp chạm đường giá quan trọng

Airbnb đang tiến gần một đường của 160.85 mà nó đã chạm nhiều lần trong quá khứ. Chúng ta đã chứng kiến nó thoái lui khỏi vị thế này trong quá khứ, vì vậy ở giai đoạn này không rõ liệu nó sẽ chạm mức giá này hay bật lên như trước đây. Nếu Airbnb tiếp tục theo quỹ đạo hiện tại, chúng ta

Bitcoin – กำลังเข้าใกล้ระดับราคาทางจิตวิทยา

Bitcoin กำลังเคลื่อนที่ไปยังเส้นแนวรับของ แนวรับ เนื่องจากเราเคยเห็นราคาพักตัวจากตำแหน่งนี้มาก่อนในอดีต เราอาจได้เห็นการเบรคผ่านเส้นนี้หรือการรีบาวน์กลับไปยังเส้นปัจจุบัน ราคาได้มาแตะที่เส้นนี้แล้วหลายครั้งในช่วง 3 วันที่ผ่านมาและอาจกลับไปทดสอบอีกครั้งในช่วง 13 ชั่วโมงถัดไป

Bitcoin – đang tiến gần đến đường giá tâm lý

Bitcoin đang di chuyển tới đường hỗ trợ. Vì chúng ta đã chứng kiến nó thoái lui khỏi mức này trong quá khứ, chúng ta có thể chứng kiến sự bứt ra khỏi đường này, hoặc bật trở lại các mức hiện tại. Nó đã chạm đường này nhiều lần trong 3 ngày gần nhất và có thể chạm nó lần nữa trong vòng

Breach of important price line imminent by Airbnb

Airbnb is moving towards a line of 160.85 which it has tested numerous times in the past. We have seen it retrace from this position in the past, so at this stage it isn’t clear whether it will breach this price or rebound as it did before. If Airbnb continues in its current trajectory, we may see it move towards 160.85 within the next

Có thể có sự phục hồi cuối cùng trên EURJPY.

EURJPY đang hướng tới 128.5790 và có thể chạm điểm này trong vòng 12 giờ tiếp theo. Nó đã chạm đường này nhiều lần trong quá khứ, và lần này có thể không khác gì, kết thúc bằng sự bật lên thay vì bứt ra. Nếu sự bứt ra không xảy ra, chúng ta có thể thấy sự thoái lui trở lại mức hiện

A final push possible on EURJPY

EURJPY is heading towards 128.5790 and could reach this point within the next 12 hours. It has tested this line numerous times in the past, and this time could be no different, ending in a rebound instead of a breakout. If the breakout doesn’t happen, we could see a retracement back down to current levels.

Switzerland 20 กำลังเคลื่อนไปยังระดับราคาสำคัญที่ 11663.0000

Switzerland 20 กำลังเข้าใกล้เส้นแนวรับของ แนวรับ ราคาได้มาแตะเส้นนี้หลายครั้งแล้วในช่วง 10 วันที่ผ่านมา ถ้าหากราคาจะมาแตะที่เส้นนี้อีกครั้ง ราคาอาจมาแตะในอีก 2 วันถัดไป

Un posible impulso final en el EURJPY

El EURJPY avanza hacia 128.5790 y podría alcanzar este punto en un plazo de 12 horas. Ha probado esta línea previamente en numerosas ocasiones y esta vez no tiene porqué ser diferente, terminando con una recuperación en lugar de en una rotura. Si la rotura no ocurre, podríamos observar un retroceso de nuevo a los niveles actuales.

Kemungkinan dorongan terakhir pada EURJPY

EURJPY sedang menuju ke arah 128.5790 dan boleh mencapai tahap ini dalam 12 jam. Ia telah menguji garis ini beberapa kali pada masa lalu, dan kali ini mungkin tidak berbeza, berakhir dengan lantunan dan bukannya pelepasan. Jika penembusan tidak berlaku, kita boleh melihat anjakan kembali ke tahap semasa.